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How to clean your Reusable Membrane: Best Guidance from Redgrass

The new Redgrass Reusable Membranes: #

The Redgrass reusable membrane is not just a piece of advanced technology but also an economical choice that excels in keeping your paint wet and workable. Post-use, the membrane can be cleaned and, with proper care, reused multiple times – at least four times!

How to clean your Reusable Membrane from Redgrass: #

Quick Swap: Ideal for Mid-Session Color Changes or Making Space #

Cleaning off small amounts of still-wet paint from the Reusable Membrane couldn’t be easier. Simply take a folded piece of kitchen paper/towel, moisten it with clean water, and gently wipe the paint from the surface. Continue to fold the paper towel and wipe until all the paint is absorbed. You can then apply new colors and continue to paint.

Full Clean: Ideal for Post-Project Cleanup or Paint-Covered Membranes #

How to clean your Reusable Membrane – full clean without sink.

You can use kitchen roll to wipe up any excess paint. This step makes the subsequent cleaning process quicker and less messy, especially if there’s a lot of paint on your membrane.

Cleaning your membrane in a tray of water is recommended, but you can also do it under running tap water. Gently agitate the paint on the membrane with a large soft brush (an old makeup brush works well). Do not use a scrubbing brush, toothbrush, or anything with stiff bristles, as this can damage the membrane’s surface. Your fingers can also be used, but they may be less effective.

The paint should simply lift off the membrane’s surface.

Please be aware that dried paint will take longer to remove and will leave a stain. However, this won’t harm the membrane. Heavily pigmented paints and inks will always stain the membrane, even if removed when still wet, but this won’t affect the membrane’s reusability.

Once all the paint has been removed, lay the cleaned membrane on a kitchen towel on a flat surface and allow it to air dry.

A cleaned, dry membrane may appear slightly warped, but don’t worry. Once you set up your wet palette again and the membrane becomes hydrated, you can easily smooth out the surface.